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How Can Word Count Help Enhance Your Website SEO

harry jack837 02-Mar-2019

The parameters of the search are constantly changing due to the behavior of consumers. These days Google ranks web pages according to the period visitors spend on a particular page along with the sites which comprise of the content that users demand.

First of all, what is the content that people are actually interested in? The principal aim for the search engines is to promote the articles which answer the questions of people. These questions reflect the demands of users, and so the content that answers the questions of users and meets their needs is preferred. Understanding the intent or desire of visitors is now the key to create articles that improve the relatability of website and enhances SEO.

Search engines like Google examine this by counting the number of clicks to websites, looking at the time users stay on the site, whether the visitors abandon your page or not, go back to the result page and choose another site which covers the same topic. The web pages which include the user intent feature high in the outcomes.

After you capture the click, all you have to do is to keep the user on your site. Entertainment and education are the most famous niches. That means a high word counter along with pictures which have an appropriate alt text plus videos are necessary for your success.

Moreover, matching keywords like the ones which are included in the menus are not enough in the online search landscape which is done today. Search using minimal three keywords known as long tail search is considered a more on point search and Google opt for the outcomes which execute all the demands presented by users more closely.

The success of your page is all about the content, keeping it original, relevant, and making efforts in thinking about the intent of your users can help you a lot. You can achieve this in many ways, here are some of the tips you can utilize to expect better results:

Inspect Various Types of Visitor Intent

Basically, the category of user demands falls into two kinds. A kind of visitors are the one who is exploring the options, and the other ones are actually there to buy the products or services. For instance, when people research to know about details, then you must provide articles which are lengthy and more informative.

Refine Your Article

Some articles are better than others when it comes to satisfying users. News articles and other media-rich posts which are ideally attached to your menu pages to increase the time of visitors on your page can boost your page’s ranking drastically because it is easier to target long tail keywords in such content.

Articles that consist 1500 to 2500 words showcase products and services in a much better way. So, by keeping an eye on your word count through a word counter can help you to see if you are giving sufficient information or not. Content which is short might not provide equal exposure to the visitors.

Creating content in this manner can help you boost your organic audience on your social media accounts as well. You can tap into your visitors' social networks with this type of detailed and shareable material which will entitle you to reach your destination.

Furthermore, it does not mean you can start focusing on the number of words; quality is always preferred over quantity.

Work Along with Providers on Product Articles

Describing your product or service can become a vast source of the detailed article for search engine and the word count of such content is usually high too. In short, these are generally considered better. To make sure you are generating enough information about the product itself must be of a minimum of 300 words. Because Google mostly recognizes the webpage’s articles which are about the details of valuable products.

This technique in combination with different types of high-quality pictures on your site’s product pages to show off what the product is about can actually enhance your website presence in the overall rankings.

The areas where your page can’t generate a high number of words even after inserting every type of information and word counter still shows fewer words then, in this case, you must be as informative plus comprehensive as possible.

Updated 02-Mar-2019

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